I hooked my Crazy Cat rug years ago. Not my design but by Quail Hill. I really doubt that the background is what they might have recommended for this rug! Honestly I have no where to put this rug in my home. Not my colors or really my style. It never really has fit in anywhere I have lived! Just had fun hooking this one. I am starting to think that I like cats with birds because I hooked another rug with this same theme! I don't even own a cat now. I did have cats growing up. First I had Maggie....Umm she just followed me home from school! She was a beautiful Siamese cat. Then we adopted Oscar who was orange and had long hair and last came Toby a Siamese mix. Found him in the rain as a kitten and bottle fed him. It's another rug that I just hooked and once again it was a wing it type of thing! So it is now rolled up and tucked away and maybe one day my children will want it for their home!
Happy March!
I love it and the back ground it wonderful.